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Our church desires to build a strong doctrinal foundation that will be a catalyst for spiritual growth in the lives of our children and equip them with the tools they will need to thrive in their faith walk with Christ. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


Awana Commander

Pastor Jeremy Vander Galien

Awana Secretary

Rachel Fugle 

Cubbies Director

Deb Franks 

Sparks Director

Amber Scholten

T&T Directors

Joel Drabek

Clare Braband

What's Awana?

Awana is an international, Bible-centered, children's and youth ministry providing local churches with weekly clubs, programs, and training for students. Each of our clubs includes Bible verse memorization and fun Bible-centered activities. 


WHEN: Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:15 pm (school year only) 

               Please enter by door #5, back parking lot beside playground.


PGCC offers three different Awana Clubs:







     Preschool children ages 3-5

        (2 years prior to Kindergarten K5)







                     â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹Children in Grades K5-2








                    Children in Grades 3-5/6​



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Books of the Bible Song

These are the songs that we sing during our club nights to

help the clubbers memorize the books of the Bible:

Books of the Bible - OT (1)
00:00 / 01:00
Books of the Bible - NT (1)
00:00 / 00:37

Childrens' Resources

Links for Parents â€‹






Family Life is dedicated to helping people change the world one home at a time and they offer a multitude of resources to help individuals and families, marriages, and parents.






Focus on the Family offers many resources to "help families thrive."








Answers in Genesis is an organization that strives to proclaim the truth of the Bible with absolute authority and strengthen believers in their faith. They offer a great many resources on a variety of subjects, including answers to many questions that people have about how the Bible fits with Science.







Plugged In offers detailed reviews from a Christian perspective on current movies, videos, music, TV shows, and video games.

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Links for Kids







Keys For Kids Ministries provides daily devotionals and radio-style dramas for kids and teens. They also offer a dramatized audio Bible and a free devotional that you can request via mail or read online.








Adventures In Odyssey creators believe storytelling is the most effective way for kids to grow their faith, learn Biblical principles, and know Jesus in a fun, engaging way.The website has links to their Christian kids' radio dramas and many other fun games and activities.








Jonathan Park is a Christian Audio Series that is full of action and adventure. It's challenging to teach our children about their Creator and His Creation while keeping their attention and helping them commit His truth to memory. That's why the Jonathan Park Audio Adventures have been uniquely created to help educate and build the faith of young listeners through engaging entertainment like nothing you have ever experienced before!  This website offers links to the episodes as well as other fun games and activities.

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