Women's Ministry
The Women's Ministry offers many opportunities for personal growth through group Bible study, prayer, retreats, outreach, and special events/activities designed to encourage and strengthen women. You will be blessed as you build meaningful relationships with other women!
Men's Ministry
The Men's Ministry is known as Men of Courage with the purpose of igniting and uniting men to be passionate followers of Jesus Christ. Our theme verse is 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 which reads, "Be on guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love." Opportunities available to men include Bible study, prayer, and men's breakfasts.
2nd Half Ministry
The Second Half Ministry is geared toward those in the later stages of life, including seniors, empty-nesters, grandparents, etc. This ministry helps these individuals grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and provides encouragement for them to "Finish Strong" in the Lord. Inter-generational experiences are also planned in order to provide opportunities to pass our faith on to younger generations.
If you would like more information or would like to get involved in any of these areas, please contact the church office at 715-369-5404.
Other Ministries:​
Awana Volunteers
Building & Grounds
Finance Team
Food Pantry
Meal Train
Missions Team
Nursery Volunteers
Operation Christmas Child
Prayer Chain
Sunday Coffee
Welcome Cart
Worship Team
Youth Group
Pastor Jeff
Family Life Discipleship​