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The Deacons are responsible to oversee the operational activities of the church as well as provide practical service to the congregation. (See Acts 6:2-4.)
Dave Richmond


My name is David Richmond. I have been married 45 years to my wife, Joyce.  We have 3 daughters and 7  grandchildren.  I was raised in a Christian home with Christian values that have influenced my desire to serve. Our family has attended Pine Grove for many years. We have been active in the church for most of those years. The verses I want to pattern my life by are Romans 12:6-8.  With these verses, we all can find ways to serve others.

Terry Drescher

Bio coming soon

Bob Braband


My wife, Clare and I moved to Rhinelander in 2016 to be close to some of our grandchildren and our two daughters and families. Our three sons and families are spread about the country. 


I was born and raised an MK (missionary kid) in Nigeria and accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior as a youngster.  Clare and I met in college. 


Our desire has always been for our family to be deeply involved in the local church. Each of our children is serving the local church body today also. Clare and I look forward to serving the Pine Grove church body as we seek to glorify God together. 

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Jason Giese


Bio coming soon


Chris Hansen


 After marrying my wife, Jodie, in 2003, we moved to Rhinelander to attend Pine Grove. I had attended and volunteered at Fort Wilderness for several years and therefore had many friends at Pine Grove. We knew that this was where we wanted to grow our marriage and family.


We have seven children and have been involved in a wide variety of activities and ministries at PGCC over the past 18 years. This church family has been instrumental in my growth as a follower of Christ.


I am grateful to be serving the body in this capacity as a deacon.  


Jim Winkler


Hi, I am Jim Winkler.  My wife Kathy and I have been married for 52 years and we have raised 2 children, have 4 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren.  We have attended Pine Grove since moving to Rhinelander in 2004.  We've also been active in both the church and the community for all those years.


Studying God's Word is a priority in my life.  Since 2004, I have hosted a Bible study in our home on Fridays from 6:30-8:00 am that is open to all men of Pine Grove. 


God has blessed me and I pray I can bless others through being a Deacon.


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Brad White


Bio coming soon



James Gillingham


Bio coming soon.

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